Create Task Code:
name = input("Enter your name:")
print("Welcome, " + name + "!")
def question(question, answer, score):
while True:
response = input("Enter an answer: ")
if response == answer:
score = score + 1
return score
if (response != "a") and (response != "b") and (response != "c"):
print("Please choose from options a, b and c")
return score
question_bank = [
"Who is the first president of the United States?\n(a) John F Kennedy\n(b) Abraham Lincoln\n(c) George Washington",
"When did World War 1 Start\n(a)2022\n(b)1914\n(c)1923",
"How many people died in the bubonic plague?\n(a)25 million\n(b)40 million\n(c)100 million",
"Who invented the light bulb?\n(a)Steve Jobs\n(b)Thomas Edison\n(c)Albert Einstein"
score = 0
score1 = question(question_bank[0], "c", score),
score2 = question(question_bank[1], "b", score),
score3 = question(question_bank[2], "a", score),
score4 = question(question_bank[3], "b", score)
print("Your result: " + str(score) + "/4")